Due to the game’s design, no hostile mobs spawn here, even during the night.

The mushroom fields are known as the safest of Minecraft biomes. Village Woodland Mansion Coordinates: X: 1829, Y: 72, Z: -1960.Also, there’s a pillager outpost located nearby, making the destination even more appealing. The only downside of this Minecraft mansion seed is that you don’t get this amazing location right at spawn, and you will have to travel to the coordinates below. There’s even an iron golem that you can try taking inside the mansion to help you defeat the hostile mobs. The presence of such a variety of villagers makes this place a perfect location for resources. As for the players, the village has a library, a weaponsmith, an armorer, and even a cartographer, along with farmers. As you can expect, the villagers are more prone to attack by hostile mobs than usual. Meanwhile, on the other hand, Bedrock players have an equally rare mansion spawn inside a village. On one hand, Minecraft Java players get a village inside the mansion.