As Forge is necessary for the mods we will be covering in this guide, you can find a tutorial on how to install forge to your minecraft server here.

While mods are not limited to using Forge, nearly all Minecraft uses Forge as the mod loader. Mods in Minecraft are a user-made modification utilizing additional software on top of the base game files. If you’ve read this far, you’re likely wondering how exactly mods work and how they can apply to your Minecraft server. Whether you are looking to build a rocket, create magic, play Pokemon (in Minecraft?), our comprehensive list of the top 10 Minecraft mods should give you a great starting point to the seemingly endless possibilities. With thousands of mods to choose from, what once seemed like a simple game now has the ability to transform everything you know about how Minecraft works. Minecraft mods are one of the oldest, and best ways to transform the game. But why not enhance your Minecraft Server to new heights?

Starting in an empty world with no items or resources, you as the player are left to survive and build up your in-game Empire.

Minecraft, without a doubt is one of the most enjoyable games created.